No Candy Easter Egg Filler Ideas for Kids! - North Phoenix Moms

Looking for last minute ideas for Easter Egg filler? I have some “eggcellent” creative and sugarlass options if you are looking for non-candy Easter egg fillers.

Also a great alternative are these Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt printable clues! These are fun little riddles that you can put into plastic easter eggs and in the end your kiddo will find their Easter Basket! Fun and Interactive. You can also handwrite little tickets with activity “coupons” that they can use at a later date for some one-on-one time.


Here are 25 genius non-candy Easter egg fillers that aren’t junk!

Mini Nail Polish
Pencil Erasers
Fake Bugs
Small Dinosaurs
Mini Figures
Gift Certificate (Mcdonalds, Dunkin’, Baskin Robbins, etc)
Slap Bracelets
Dollar bills/ Quarters/ Change
Nail Polish
Hand Sanitizer
Expandable Washcloths (dollar tree)
Silly Putty
Barbie Clothes
Matchbox Cars
Squishy Toys

Have any other ideas for useful Easter egg fillers that aren’t junk or candy? Let me know in the comments below!

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